Monday, April 7, 2008
Overview of Order Management in the Order to Cash Process
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan
Order to Cash Life Cycle
1. Create Unit of Measure
2. Create a Location
3. Create an Inventory Organization
4. Create a SubInventory
Enter Items:
5. Define Shipping Parameters
6. Create an Item
7. Create a Material Transaction
8. Add an Item to a Price List
Manage Parties and Customer Accounts:
9. Create customer Profile Class
10. Create Customer
11. Create a Customer Account
Enter Order:
12. Create a Sales Order
13. Create a Sales Line
14. Create a Split line and Ship Set
15. Schedule an Order
16. Book an Order
17. Pick Release
18. Ship ConfirmProcess
19. Create an Invoice
20. Process Invoices Using AutoInvoice
21. Enter a Manual Receipt
22. Apply a Receipt
Scheduling: Scheduling provides approximate ship date based on ATP (On-hand, expected supply and demand). Scheduling sets Schedule ship date and Arrival date ( for this Inter location transit time to be set).
Passes the demand to inventory. (Item attribute OE translatable to be enabled).
S.O line demand consumes item’s forecast. Can place reservation if SSD is with in the value of OM: Reservation time fence If product is available on-hand then Schedule ship date = requested date. If the item is non-ATP, then schedule ship date = requested date
OM: Auto schedule- profile option for automatic popup of scheduling window.
In order line, Tools – Scheduling – schedule, reserve, unreserved, reservation details.
In order TT- Scheduling level can be given.
Concurrent “ Schedule Orders” parameters : order number, request date, cust po no, ship to, customer, item.
OM: Schedule lines on hold- profile option to schedule hold lines.
OM: Scheduling role:
CSR only – (Customer service representative) In order organizer, tab scheduling is gray out.
CSR and scheduling – In order organizer all tabs are enabled. If u click (T) scheduling, then rest all the tabs will be gray out and vice versa. Scheduling across orders is possible.
Scheduler only – only (T) scheduling is enabled.
Note: Concurrent “ Reserve orders” to reserve orders.
OM: Source code – defaults to Order entry, OM passed to inventory during scheduling.
Item attribute reservable must be enabled.
Reservation puts soft pegging with the inventory.
Item reservation is removed after ITS.
Dates on Order line:
a) Request date
b) Promise date
c) Scheduled ship date
d) Scheduled arrival date
Price in order lines:
a) unit price/selling price - Price of each qty
b) extended price /line price – unit price x no of qty
c) List price – Price declared in price list
d) Modifiers – factors that change the list price.
e) Qualifiers – factors that qualifies the modifiers.
Order header: acts as primary source to lines, open until all lines are closed, Dependent of lines. They are OU specific.
Order lines: they are dependent on order header, multiple lines and org is possible. Lines takes precedence over header. They are org specific.
Order types:
a) BSA – Blanket sales agreement.
b) Sales order
Sales person: who is getting credited for sale. This is mandatory field.
Quota sales person – More than one sales person can be entered to divide the sales credit. Cumulative should be 100.
Non-Quota sales person – we can enter multiple sales person. But cumulative can be more than 100% eg: middlemen, agents.
Gross margin amount = Extended sales price – unit price. Gross margin hold can be set.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Enter Sales Order
1. Transaction Types have been defined.
2. Customers exist in the Customer Master, including Contacts, Addresses, and Location
Business Purposes.
3. Price Lists have been defined.
4. Items have been defined in the Item Master and assigned to Price Lists.
5. Discounts have been defined and assigned to Price Lists.
6. Salespersons have been set-up.
7. Tax Codes and Tax Rates have been defined.
8. Invoicing and Accounting Rules have been defined.
9. Freight Carriers, Freight Terms, and FOB options have been defined.
10. Shipping Warehouses have been set-up.
11. Agreements have been defined (if Agreements functionality is required).
12. ATP Rules have been defined (if ATP functionality is required).
13. System Types have been defined (if Systems functionality is required).
Sales Orders Window
The Sales Orders window allows you to enter orders and returns.
The Main Tab region of the Sales Orders Order Information, enter the following:
Enter Customer Name (Customer Number will default in). Customers must first be setup in the Customer Master. If a Customer has not yet been setup, then navigate to the Customer Master either by selecting Quick Customer Entry from the Tools menu or go to full customer entry in Customers > Standard from the Navigator.
Customer Number:
Alternatively, enter Customer Number and the Customer Name will default in.
Order Type:
Select the appropriate Order Type. Order Type determines the order workflow, accounting rules, and other characteristics of the order.
Customer PO:
Enter the Customer Purchase Order Number. A customer purchase order number must be entered if the order type you specified requires a purchase order number. Oracle will give you a warning if the Customer Purchase Order Number has been previously used, but it will not prevent you from using a duplicate Customer Purchase Order Number.
Order Date:
The Current Date will default in as the Order Date. You may change this date.
Enter a Customer contact (optional). Contacts must also first be setup in the Customer Master and then selected from the List of Values. If a Contact has not yet been setup, then navigate to the Customer Master as described above, create the Contact, and then return to the Sales Orders Order Information form to select the Contact in this field.
Order Number:
Oracle will assign the Sales Order Number as soon as the Sales Orders Order Information is saved.
Select the Ship-To customer information. Defaulting rules may allow you to default ship-to address information when choosing the order type.
Select a Salesperson from a List of Values. The Salesperson entered in the Sales Orders Order Information form will receive 100 percent of the sales credit for the order. Sales credits may be apportioned to multiple sales persons in the Sales Credit window.
Select Currency:
Select a currency for the order. The currency selected must match the currency on your price list selected for this order.
Select the Bill-To customer information. Defaulting rules may allow you to default bill-to address information when choosing the order type.
Entry Status:
The initial entry status for a sales order is Entered. After Booking the order, the status will change to Booked.
The Others Tab region of the Sales Orders Order Information, enter the following:
Payment Terms:
Payment Terms are user-definable and must be set-up in advance (Setup >Orders > Payment Terms). Again, you may override the default value in this field.
Sales Channel:
Enter a Sales Channel. Sales Channels must be setup in advance in the Order Management Quick Codes and then may be selected from the List of Values.
Select a Warehouse (inventory organization) from which order line(s) will be shipped.
Shipping Method:
Select the Shipping Method to use for shipments to your customer.
Line Set:
Choose whether to ship lines as a group or to arrive as a group. All lines in the order that have the same ship set number will be shipped or arrive together. The lines must have the same warehouse, scheduled shipment date, ship-to location, shipment priority, and shipment method.
Freight Terms:
Select the Freight Terms. Freight Terms are setup in advance using Order Management QuickCodes.
Select the FOB point.
Shipment Priority:
Select a Shipment Priority. Shipment Priority may be used at Pick Release to prioritize picking. Additional shipment priorities can be defined in the Order Management Lookups window.
Shipping Instructions:
Enter special instructions to the Shipping Organization (Optional). These instructions will appear on the Pick Slip only.
Packing Instructions:
Enter special packing instructions. These instructions will appear on the Pack Slip.
Tax Handling:
Select a Tax Handling Status. The default is Standard Tax Handling. For a tax-exempt customer, create the tax exemption in the Setup > Tax > Exemptions form.
Tax Exempt Number:
If you select Exempt in the Tax Handling field, then you will need to select a Tax Exemption Certificate from the List of Values.
Exempt Reason:
As with the Tax Exempt Number, if you select Exempt in the Tax Handling field, then you will need to select a Tax Exemption Reason from the List of Values. These must first be setup in the Setup > Tax > Exemptions form.
Payment Type:
If the flag Agreement Required is checked on this Order Type, then an Agreement is required. More typically, an Agreement is optional. A Customer Agreement may be used to attach specific Price Lists, Discounts, Payment Terms, Invoicing Rules, and Accounting Rules for sales orders for particular customers or groups of customers. See the Creating and Using Customer Agreements Training document for more information.
The base currency for this sales order.
Price List:
The Price List used for this particular sales order. You may override the default in this field.
Invoicing Rule:
Invoicing Rules must be set at the order Header level and will be applied to all Lines except for Service Lines. The two Invoicing Rules delivered with R2i are Advance Invoice (in which invoicing will take place at the beginning of an invoicing schedule) and Arrears Invoice (in which invoicing will take place at the end an on invoicing schedule).
Payment Terms:
Payment Terms are user-definable and must be set-up in advance (Setup >Orders > Payment Terms). Again, you may override the default value in this field.
Payment Type:
Three Payment Types have been defined: Cash, Check, and Credit Card. If you enter Cash as the Payment Method, only the Amount field will be enabled in this region.
If you enter Check as the Payment Method, then the Amount and Check Number fields will be enabled.
If you enter Credit Card as the Payment Method, then the following fields will be enabled:
Amount, Credit Card Type, Credit Card Number, Card Holder, Expiration Date, and Approval Code. All fields allow free-form data entry except Credit Card which must be set-up with a List of Values in advance. R2i is delivered with the following Credit Cards defined: American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa.
Order Source:
If this order is being imported form another source ( not being manually entered) that source will be identified in this field. This includes if the order is being copied from a previous order.
Line Items Tab
The Sales Orders Line Items Tab consists of the following tabs:
· Main
· Pricing
· Shipping
· Addresses
· Returns
· Services
· Other
In the Main Tab area of the Sales Order Line Item Information, enter the following:
Line Number: This will automatically default as 1.1 when the line information is first entered. If there are existing lines the line number will automatically increment by one.
Ordered Item:Enter the Ordered Item for this order line. Items must be setup in the Item Master and also on a Customer Price List before they may be selected in the Sales Order Line Item field.
Quantity:Enter the Quantity for this particular line item.
UOM:The Unit of Measure will default in form the Item definition.
Unit Selling Price:The Selling Price is the discounted price of the item.
Schedule Ship Date:Select the Schedule Ship Date from the calendar or use Scheduling functionality. See OM Schedule Order Training Documentation.
Line Type:Select or accept the default for Line Type.
Salesrep:Select or accept the default for Salesrep.
Tax Code:Select or accept the default for Tax Code.
In the Pricing Tab area of the Sales Order Line Item Information, enter the following:
Price List:Select a Price List for the order. The value for Price List will default from Sales Orders Order Information tab previously selected.
Unit Selling Price:Modify the Selling Price (Optional). The Extended Price will automatically default when the Unit Selling Price is updated.
In the Shipping Tab area of the Sales Order Line Item Information, enter the following:
Warehouse:This is the default Shipping Warehouse for all sales orders line item information.
Receiving Org:Enter the Receiving Inventory Organization. Only applicable for Drop Ship Orders and Return Material Authorizations (RMAs).
Request Date:The Current Date defaults in as the Request Date. Change it to the date the Customer would like the Product Shipped.
Promise Date:The Current Date defaults in as the Promise Date. Change it to the date the Customer has been promised for shipment date.
Source Type:Enter the Source Type for the item being shipped. If the item is to drop shipped the Source Type will be external. Otherwise the Source Type will default as internal.
Shipping Instructions:Enter special instructions to the Shipping Organization (optional). These instructions will appear on the Pick Slip only.
Packing Instructions:Optionally enter special packing instructions. These instructions will appear on the Pack Slip.
In the Addresses Tab area of the Sales Order Line Item Information, enter the following:
Ship-to Location:The customer’s primary Ship-to Location will default in from the Customer Master.
Bill-to Location:The customer’s primary Bill-to Location will default in from the Customer Master.
Ship-to/Bill-to Contact: (Optional) These default in from the Customer data. If the required contact has not yet been set-up, then they will first need to be created in the Customer Master, and then may be selected from the List of Values on this form.
If the customer has not selected a Bill-to and/or a Ship-to address as primary, then you will need to manually select addresses in this form.
If the required address has not yet been set-up, then navigate to the Customer Master either by selecting Quick Customer Entry from the Tools menu or go to full customer entry in
Customers > Standard from the navigator.
The Ship-to/Bill-to Locations set at the Sales Orders Order Information will default to Line Item Information. You have the option to override the Ship-to Location for individual lines on the order.
Additional Line Information:Active when at the Sales Orders Line Information window displays Holds, Return Activity, Deliveries, Receivables, Internal Requisition, Drop Ship and Quantity History.
Booking the Order
The final step in the Sales Order Entry process is to Book the order.
This signifies that the Order Entry process is complete and that the order is eligible for the next stage in the line flow for this order, as defined by its Transaction Type.
Select the Book Order button
The Entry Status of the Order will change to Booked.
Viewing Workflow Statuses and Processes
The Sales Orders window displays the order header status in the Main tab of the Order Information tabbed region. The order line status is displayed in the Main tab of the Line Items tabbed region.
The Workflow Status option on the Sales Order window Tools menu launches the workflow status page. The window shows in tabular format all the activities an order header or line has completed and the corresponding results. See the OM Order and Line Workflow Overview document for further details on Order Management Workflows.
Close the Order
Closing orders that are complete enhances performance, since many programs, windows and report queries retrieve open orders only. Orders marked as closed are not selected, increasing system speed and efficiency. Closed orders are excluded from many of the standard reports available in Order Management, so you can limit your reporting to the active orders.
Close lines and close orders are implemented using workflow. Order Management provides seeded close line and close order workflow sub-processes to close the order header and line, respectively. These processes, when included in the order header or line workflow, closes the status of the eligible order or lines. Once an order is closed, no lines can be added. The order header close order process checks at the end of every month to see all the lines associated with are closed. It closes the order header if it finds that all the lines are closed.
An order line is eligible to close when it completes all of the line-level activities within the workflow process. Order lines can close independent of each other. Once an order line is closed, no changes can be made to any fields except the descriptive flexfield, for which you can define processing constraints.
Note: Be sure to include the standard sub-processes of close line and close order at the end of all your line and order flows to ensure that your orders and returns close once all prerequisites have been met.
Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan.