
Monday, April 7, 2008

Order to Cash Life Cycle

1--------Enter the Order----- Book-----------Pick Release-------------Ship Confirm----------2 2------- Auto Invoice----------Receivables-----------Invoice------------Receipt------------3-3--------Bank Reconciliation--------3
1. Create Unit of Measure
2. Create a Location
3. Create an Inventory Organization
4. Create a SubInventory
Enter Items:
5. Define Shipping Parameters
6. Create an Item
7. Create a Material Transaction
8. Add an Item to a Price List
Manage Parties and Customer Accounts:
9. Create customer Profile Class
10. Create Customer
11. Create a Customer Account
Enter Order:
12. Create a Sales Order
13. Create a Sales Line
14. Create a Split line and Ship Set
15. Schedule an Order
16. Book an Order
17. Pick Release
18. Ship ConfirmProcess
19. Create an Invoice
20. Process Invoices Using AutoInvoice
21. Enter a Manual Receipt
22. Apply a Receipt

Scheduling: Scheduling provides approximate ship date based on ATP (On-hand, expected supply and demand). Scheduling sets Schedule ship date and Arrival date ( for this Inter location transit time to be set).
Passes the demand to inventory. (Item attribute OE translatable to be enabled).
S.O line demand consumes item’s forecast. Can place reservation if SSD is with in the value of OM: Reservation time fence If product is available on-hand then Schedule ship date = requested date. If the item is non-ATP, then schedule ship date = requested date
OM: Auto schedule- profile option for automatic popup of scheduling window.
In order line, Tools – Scheduling – schedule, reserve, unreserved, reservation details.
In order TT- Scheduling level can be given.
Concurrent “ Schedule Orders” parameters : order number, request date, cust po no, ship to, customer, item.
OM: Schedule lines on hold- profile option to schedule hold lines.
OM: Scheduling role:
CSR only – (Customer service representative) In order organizer, tab scheduling is gray out.
CSR and scheduling – In order organizer all tabs are enabled. If u click (T) scheduling, then rest all the tabs will be gray out and vice versa. Scheduling across orders is possible.
Scheduler only – only (T) scheduling is enabled.
Note: Concurrent “ Reserve orders” to reserve orders.
OM: Source code – defaults to Order entry, OM passed to inventory during scheduling.
Item attribute reservable must be enabled.
Reservation puts soft pegging with the inventory.
Item reservation is removed after ITS.
Dates on Order line:
a) Request date
b) Promise date
c) Scheduled ship date
d) Scheduled arrival date
Price in order lines:
a) unit price/selling price - Price of each qty
b) extended price /line price – unit price x no of qty
c) List price – Price declared in price list
d) Modifiers – factors that change the list price.
e) Qualifiers – factors that qualifies the modifiers.
Order header: acts as primary source to lines, open until all lines are closed, Dependent of lines. They are OU specific.
Order lines: they are dependent on order header, multiple lines and org is possible. Lines takes precedence over header. They are org specific.
Order types:
a) BSA – Blanket sales agreement.
b) Sales order

Sales person: who is getting credited for sale. This is mandatory field.

Quota sales person – More than one sales person can be entered to divide the sales credit. Cumulative should be 100.
Non-Quota sales person – we can enter multiple sales person. But cumulative can be more than 100% eg: middlemen, agents.
Gross margin amount = Extended sales price – unit price. Gross margin hold can be set.

Thanks & Regards,
S.Grace Paul Regan.


Akanksha said...
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Ruby Claire said...

Order to cash lifecycle, floats from "Order management" to "Enter" "Book" "pick/ release> ship > types of recievables> invoices> and finally "bank reconciliations"

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